
do not是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

do not



1.不要 握手 to shake hands do not 无比 matchless ...

3.请勿 ... dither matrix 抖动显示阵 do not 请勿 document 原稿、文件 ...

4.切勿 青 菜 green vegetable do not 听 说 it is said that ...

6.不做不做DO NOT)不要私自给婴儿服用止泻药。

7.千万不要千万不要(Do not)想着去扳回损失。 下更多或更大的赌注并不会弥补先前(Previously)的损失。


1.Do not say you did not know, where the flowers are in bloom all year round, so here is the best thing to buy flowers.不要说你不知道,那里的鲜花盛开,都是全年的,所以这里是最好的购买鲜花。

2.The second chorus times or bar, the middle of a movement like Gypsophila paniculata, we do not know how it jump like this action.第二遍还是合唱吧,中间有个动作像满天星一样,不知道我们怎么那么喜欢跳这个动作。

3.I do not know if i can go with you.不知道,我会不会跟你走,你的坦诚,我有些不自觉。

4.What seems to be more evidence of real estate professionals do not need too much investment in knowledge, seems to be a very simple matter.似乎有什么更多的证据,房地产专业人士并不需要太多的投资知识,似乎是一个非常简单的事。

5.Do not rule out the possibility that the credit lending sales targets for the completion of his intention to create a market expectations.不排除这样一种可能性:即信用贷款的销售目标的完成,他打算建立一个市场预期。

6.The scientists do not fully understand how supplements may trigger early death, but they may interfere with the body's natural defences.科学家尚不完全清楚维生素制剂导致过早死亡的原因,但这些制剂会妨碍人体的自然抵抗力。

7.Stood for social activities, do not distorted by the side, not leaning against the wall, ledge, edge of the table.站着进行社交活动时,不要歪靠一边,不要斜倚着墙壁、窗台、桌沿。

8.As many newcomers to know much about security issues, they do not know their computer a "Trojan horse" - like how the removal.由于很多新手对安全问题了解不多,所以并不知道自己的计算机中了“木马”该怎么样清除。

9.But such mergers do not in fact seem to create as much value as the law suggests.然而,此种兼并实际上看起来并没有产生定律所显示的如此巨大的价值。

10.Scientists do not believe that this is possible.科学家们认为这是不可能的。
